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Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Yang Enterprises currently performs logistics services on the Institutional Services Contract at Kennedy Space Center, on the Launch Operations Support Contract at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, and for ExxonMobil Global Services Company. We also performed logistic services on the Joint Base Operations Contact at KSC and CCAFS, and on the Logistics Services Contract at Marshall Space Flight Center. The services we provide include:
Redistribution and Utilization

Our logistics personnel process requests to dispose of material, prepare assets for storage and subsequent sale. This process includes identifying and preserving potential artifacts, electronically imaging and indexing archival documentation, creating traceable receipts, and ensuring sensitive data is removed prior to sale. To support GSA sales we publish a list of items to be sold, provide access to screeners to view surplus property, process scrap metal; process donation program requests, and maintain disposal records.
GSA Vehicle Fleet Management

YEI manages approximately 500 GSA fleet vehicles. This fleet consists of heavy equipment, dump trucks, pickup trucks, crew vehicles, step vans, sedans, and buses. Management operations include inspection, maintenance, reporting, fuel management and vehicle replacement
Establishment and Maintenance of a Shelf Life Program

Our warehouse specialists review manufacturer and local specifications to establish a shelf life for materials. Items under this program are tracked and a monthly report is generated to advise users when the shelf life is about to expire. User requests to extend the shelf life are processed and when approved the records are updated. Items that have expired are documented and removed from inventory. Stock 'Low' and 'High' levels are adjusted to minimize the number of items removed due to the shelf life expiration.
Inventory Management

YEI manages over 250,000 inventory items valued at over $7,642,000. These assets support critical flight and space operations and daily maintenance tasks. As part of our inventory program we establish and monitor 'Low' and 'High' limits.
Additional logistics support elements for which we have extensive experience include:
  • Flight Hardware Support
  • Transportation Services
  • Property and Equipment Services
  • Supply and Support Services
  • Material Acquisition
  • Material Receiving and Delivery
  • Purchasing
  • Cylinder Demurrage
  • Furniture reconditioning

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